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Invite users to Loop

How to Invite Your Colleagues to Loop
Updated 6 months ago
Step 1 : Click on your User name or Email on the top right corner of the screen
Step 2 : Click on User Management
Step 3 : Click on the Invite Teammate button
Step 4 : Enter the User's name and Email Address
Step 5 : Choose the Access Level you wish to assign to the user
  • Business Admin -
    • Access to All stores 
    • Full access to Loop dashboard.
  • Finance Team
    • Access to only finance related modules
  • Store Manager -  
    • Access to only specified stores.  
    • Access only for available for Store availability, Metrics, order accuracy, and order history.
 Step 6 : If the chosen access level is Store Manager, select all the stores that you wish the user should have access to
Step 7 : Click on the Invite button

After clicking on 'Invite', the user will receive an email from Loop that provides guidance on getting started with the platform.

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