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Log Into Loop

Updated 1 year ago
Logging into Loop is Super easy. Once you receive a Welcome email from Loop, you can follow the below steps to log in and change the password.

Sample Welcome email:

Log into Loop Dashboard 
  1. Welcome Email from Loop is received. 
  2. Visit Loop page - https://app.loopkitchen.xyz/
  3. The user name is your "Email ID"
  4. The default password is "Loop123$"
  5. Click on "Login"
    • You can also log in by clicking on "Continue With Google" 
  6. Once you are logged in, You can reset your password by clicking on your profile and selecting "User Profile"
  7. Add your old and new Password and click on "Change".
  8. This will update your password for your profile.

If you are facing an issue logging into Loop, Please reach out to support@loopkitchen.xyz.
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