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Invite New Users to Loop

Here is a simple User Management Guide to invite your team to Loop
Updated 10 months ago
We have Configured Loop Dashboard to invite users based on access level.
Users can be requested as,
  • Business Admin -
    • Access to All stores 
    • Full access to Loop dashboard.
  • Store Manager -  
    • Access to only specified stores.  
    • Access only for available for Store availability, Metrics, order accuracy, and order history. 
Invite New User as Business Admin

  1. Click on your profile in the top right corner and select "User Management"
  2. Click "Invite teammate"
  3. Add the "Name" of the user and "Email ID" and select the access level as "Business Admin"
  4. Click on "Invite" and an Invitation email is sent to the User to log in to Loop Dashboard.
    (Note: To log in to Loop Username will be their Email ID and the Default password will be Loop123$)

Invite New User as Store Manager

  1. Click on your profile in the top right corner and select "User Management"
  2. Click "Invite teammate"
  3. Add the "Name" of the user and "Email ID" and select the access level as "Store Manager"
  4. Select the "Store" you would like to assign to the user from the list and click on "Save Selection"
  5. Click on "Invite" and an Invitation email is sent to the User to log into Loop Dashboard.
    (Note: To log in to Loop Username will be their Email ID and the Default password will be Loop123$)
Once the User is invited, you can share this simple Guide on how to log into the Loop.

If you find an issue with inviting users, Please reach out to support@loopkitchen.xyz and we will get the user invited for you.

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